accueil raku bois technique mixte photo écrits anthropoémétrie


lexique à l'usage des non anglophones

La structure de la phrase est celle-ci

Il n'y a pas de ***** dans le ***** seulement un *****

window : fenêtre, ouverture. widow : veuve. wind : vent.

seam : couture. sea : mer. scream : cri.

wall : mur. well : source. will : volonté

Poem for T.

There's no window in the wall but a scream

There's no scream in the wind but a well

There's no well in the widow but a sea

There's no sea in the window but a wall

There's no wall in the wind but a scream

There's no scream in the widow but a will

There's no will in the window but a seam

There's no seam in the wind but a well

There's no well in the widow but a scream

There's no scream in the window but a wall

There's no wall in the wind but a seam

There's no seam in the widow but a will

There's no will in the wind but a sea

There's no sea in the window but a well

There's no well in the scream but a widow

There's no widow in the seam but a wall

There's no wall in the sea but a wind

There's no wind in the scream but a well

There's no wall in the window but a seam

There's no seam in the wind but a will

There's no will in the widow but a sea

There's no sea in the wind but a well

There's no well in the widow but a seam

There's no seam in the window but a wall

There's no wall in the wind but a sea

There's no sea in the widow but a well

There's no well in the wind but a scream

There's no scream in the window but a will

There's no will in the seam but a widow

There's no widow in the scream but a well

There's no well in the sea but a window

There's no window in the seam but a wall

There's no wall in the scream but a wind

There's no wind in the sea but a well

There's no well in the window but a seam

There's no seam in the will but a widow

There's no widow in the sea but a wall

There's no wall in the window but a scream

There's no scream in the will but a wind

There's no wind in the seam but a well

There's no well in the scream but a window

There's no window in the sea but a wall

There's no wall in the widow but a sea

There's no sea in the wind but a will

There's no will in the window but a scream

There's no scream in the wall but a window

There's no window in the seam but a well

There's no well in the wind but a sea

There's no sea in the widow but a will

There's no will in the scream but a window

There's no window in the scream but a well

There's no well in the seam but a window

There's no window in the will but a sea

There's no sea in the well but a wind

There's no wind in the seam but a wall

There's no wall in the widow but a scream

There's no scream in the window but a well

There's no well in the sea but a wind

There's no wind in the seam but a will

There's no will in the seam but a window

There's no window in the wall but a sea

There's no sea in the will but a window

There's no window in the well but a seam

There's no seam in the wall but a window

There's no window in the well but a sea

There's no sea in the wall but a wind

There's no wind in the well but a seam

There's no seam in the wall but a widow

There's no widow in the scream but a will

There's no will in the sea but a widow

There's no widow in the scream but a wall

There's no wall in the seam but a wind

There's no wind in the sea but a will

There's no will in the scream but a widow

There's no widow in the well but a scream

There's no scream in the will but a window

There's no window in the sea but a will

There's no will in the widow but a seam

There's no seam in the wall but a wind

There's no wind in the scream but a will

There's no will in the sea but a window

There's no window in the scream but a wall

There's no wall in the sea but a widow

There's no widow in the well but a seam


There's no seam in the will but a window

There's no window in the well but a scream

There's no scream in the wall but a wind

There's no wind in the will but a seam

There's no seam in the widow but a well

There's no well in the window but a scream

There's no scream in the wall but a widow

There's no widow in the seam but a well

There's no well in the sea but a widow

There's no widow in the seam but a will

There's no will in the wind but a scream

There's no scream in the widow but a wall

There's no wall in the window but a sea

There's no sea in the will but a wind

There's no wind in the wall but a seam

There's no seam in the well but a widow

There's no widow in the will but a seam

There's no seam in the wind but a wall

There's no wall in the scream but a window

There's no window in the seam but a will

There's no will in the sea but a wind

There's no wind in the wall but a scream

There's no scream in the will but a widow

There's no widow in the well but a sea

There's no sea in the window but a will

There's no will in the scream but a wind

There's no wind in the wall but a sea

There's no sea in the will but a widow

There's no widow in the wall but a seam

There's no seam in the window but a well

There's no well in the window but a sea

There's no sea in the widow but a wall

There's no wall in the seam but a window

There's no window in the scream but a will

There's no will in the widow but a scream

There's no scream in the wind but a wall

There's no wall in the widow but a seam

There's no seam in the will but a wind

There's no wind in the well but a sea

There's no sea in the wall but a widow

There's no widow in the will but a scream

There's no scream in the well but a window

There's no window in the wall but a seam

There's no seam in the well but a wind

There's no wind in the will but a sea

There's no sea in the well but a window

There's no window in the will but a scream

There's no scream in the well but a widow

There's no widow in the sea but a well

There's no well in the scream but a wind

There's no wind in the sea but a wall

There's no wall in the sea but a window

There's no window in the will but a seam

There's no seam in the widow but a wall

There's no wall in the scream but a widow

There's no widow in the sea but a will

There's no will in the wind but a seam

There's no seam in the well but a window

There's no window in the sea but a well

There's no well in the seam but a widow

There's no widow in the wall but a scream

There's no scream in the wind but a will

There's no will in the window but a sea

There's no sea in the wind but a wall

There's no wall in the seam but a widow

There's no widow in the will but a sea

There's no sea in the well but a widow

There's no widow in the wall but a sea

There's no sea in the wall but a window

There's no wind in the well but a scream

There's no wind in the will but a scream

There's no wind in the scream but a wall

There's no seam in the window but a will

There's no scream in the well but a wind

There's no scream in the widow but a well

There's no well in the wind but a seam

There's no well in the seam but a wind

There's no will in the seam but a wind

There's no but


Manuel Van Thienen 18/20 juin 2001